Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Ashtanga and Pregnancy - Second Trimester

Hello everyone!
 Lots of people are asking me how is my practicing going, if I still have my regular practice and how I feel about it. So here we go...
 I'm almost on my 5th month pregnant and I definitely feel much better than my first trimester. I do still practice Ashtanga yoga (some days the practice is shorter than others, or an extra day off), but now with a bigger belly I need to modified postures and also excluded some asanas of my daily practice. I can not forward fold as deep as before because of my bigger belly, I can't do deep twisting postures and I also avoid some back bending postures of the second series where I need to lay belly flat down. But Im thinking some ways where I can make a special prop for my belly...we will see ;)
 I also feel I lost connection between the legs with the upper body, because I can not activate my core muscles like before anymore, uddhiyana bandha is gone, so vinyasas are in a totally another level now. They are very basic, mostly walking back and through, sometimes I jump through but as I said before is hard because there is no core integration in the body by this point. Somehow I feel totally as a beginner in my practice, discovering and rediscovering new approaches to the changes occurring in my body.
 For most of Ashtanga practitioners is all or nothing so the change in practice can give a big impact in the mind. In the very beginning was a little weird to feel the changes in my body but now is a very natural reality. Everyday my body is changing and Im totally okay with that. My practice now feels more meditative and I feel I rediscover my breath in a more deeper way which feels great.
 Other thing I changed in my routine is to eat something before practicing. Traditionally the practice is done on empty stomach for the purification process occur nice and easy. Now Im more about nourishing my body instead of focusing in purification of my system. So far this pregnancy is teaching me deep lessons of impermanence and detachment and also is a ego smasher which for me is really important for my understanding of life an death.
 The practice of yoga (any style) is to make ourselves to feel good, the mind balanced, the heart calm and a sense of peace that is not affect by external situations. The more I practice and teach I see that does not matter which level of asana practice you are, what can you do with your legs or arms. If you see yoga just as contortion or balancing on the hands is better to go for an acrobatic/circus training. Do not compete with others or yourself, always approach the practice in a humble way. There is a place to be accessed during practice, a special and sacred space to connect with the Divine that lives within. In the end thats whats matter.
Shanti Shanti Shanti

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